If you are training a new dog, using positive reinforcement is the most effective training method. Many people make the mistake of punishing their dogs for bad behavior. This usually leads to your dog being afraid of you and making behavioral problems worse. In reality, you should be rewarding the good behavior of your furry friend.
Lauren Swist currently offers obedience and therapy dog training services while she pursues her nursing degree. Read on to learn more about how to use positive reinforcement when training your dog.
There are a few different types of rewards that a dog will respond to:
- Treats – this is pretty effective as most dogs are food motivated
- Praise – you should always couple treats with praise
- Playing with them or giving them their favorite toy
When you begin to teach your dog a new command, give them a small treat along with a lot of praise most of the time. Over time, as your dog learns the command, you can use treats less and less while still offering praise.
As you start to give them fewer treats, you should use a technique known as “intermittent reinforcement”. This is when you offer the treat at irregular intervals – for example, instead of giving them a treat every three times they perform the command, do it randomly so that they can’t predict when they will get a treat.
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