When you are training your dog, one of the most important things to teach them is to come back to you when you call. This is so important because they need to reliably do this if you want to ever walk them off-leash. Even if they are outside in a fenced-in yard, it is much easier for you if they learn the command instead of having to run after them to come back inside.
Lauren Swist is an aspiring nurse who offers obedience and therapy dog training services while she pursues her nursing degree. If you have been trying to teach your dog to come back to you, here are some reasons why it might not be happening.
- They may be distracted by things going on around them, such as other animals, people, noises, etc.
- They might not have learned yet that the command applies in all environments. For example, if you have only taught your dog this command while in your kitchen, they may only associate it with being in the kitchen. If you then take them outside, they might not follow through.
- You haven’t given them a reason to come back to you. You may need to offer them a treat or their favorite toy. Give them treats every time at first, then you can start offering less at random intervals.
- They don’t want to stop playing or being outside. If this is the case, try doing the command but not bringing them inside right away. That way, they will stop associating the command with an end to their fun.
- They don’t want to be punished. If you haven’t been using positive reinforcement techniques while training, your dog might be afraid of you.
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